- ...consciousness
- Edmund Husserl Logical
Investigations v. II. Cf. Investigation 1, sections 5-15 and
Investigation 5, section 19
- ...presence,
- Jacques Derrida Speech and
Phenomena And Other
Essays on Husserl's Theory of Signs Evanston 1973. Henceforth cited
as SP.
- ...language
- Traditional and
Analytical Philosophy: Lectures on the Philosophy of Language.
Cambridge 1982.
- ...way.
- Probably the best introductory account is to be
found in G.E.Hughes and M.J.Cresswell An Introduction to Modal
Logic London 1968.
- ...object.''
- Philosophical Investigations,¤38
- ...facts.''
- Philosophical Investigations, 94
- ...phenomenology.
- Newton
Garver's Preface to Speech and Phenomena is helpful
in connecting Derridas incipient Deconstruction with
Analytical Philosophy.